Showing posts with label writer's block. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writer's block. Show all posts

Ready for Writing Inspiration? Try Reviewing Your Own Novel!

There's no denying that some days, writing feels like an endless slog.

Plots that were humming along tangle as mercilessly as a pair of earbuds in your purse.

Characters set sail for parts unknown, determined not to reveal their secrets.

Every sentence starts to sound the same.

While there's no substitute for hard work or a nurturing rest, sometimes we just need some good ol' fashioned imagination to refresh our creative spirit!

And so today you're going to review your own story, with all the love and joy it would receive from the world's biggest fan of your books. This is a delightful exercise to hold onto and revisit whenever you're feeling creatively dispirited, to remind yourself of the potential and what's special in your work, whether you reread a review you've written before or write a new one each time.

How to Overcome Writer's Block in a Unique New Way

Have you found yourself dreading your writing time of late? Maybe sitting down diligently but watching the clock and feeling secretly relieved when it's over? Lying awake at night, doubting your abilities as a writer and wondering if this is a sign you should just give up on your creative dreams?

Not so fast, creative soul. Before you take one step further in that direction, I need to tell you a story.

Midpoint Reflections on Find the Write Spark

Hey there, creative soul! As we’re into the second half of July, I think it’s about time to check in about Find the Write Spark 2019, don’t you?

If you haven’t heard of this before, there’s still time to join in or do your own version of the challenge! Read this blog post to find out what all the excitement is about.

As a quick recap, Find the Write Spark is a monthly challenge where we take passages written by some of our favourite authors; transcribe them word-by-word onto a fresh sheet of paper or electronic document, paying attention all the while to the effect created by the choice of words, sentence structure, and so on; and then rewrite the passages in a whole new way.

Introducing the Find the Write Spark Challenge

What if I told you that your favourite authors (alive or passed on) could help you with the writing dilemma that’s been driving you nuts for months?

And that you could do it in about 15 minutes a day, give or take?

And that it would be free?

Hold onto your quill and inkwell, because that’s exactly what’s about to happen in the inaugural Find the Write Spark challenge.